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Aries: Swinging into Spring Page 3
Aries: Swinging into Spring Read online
Page 3
“Mood-swinging... big-time.” Maggie nodded. “I guess he had too much to drink.”
“It was his girlfriend,” Weldon said. “He still hurts. And it’s hard for him to meet someone new.”
“No shit with that attitude,” Toni said.
“I’ve known him a while, before I met Maggie. He’s a decent enough guy but sometimes gets depressed when he drinks.”
“Well, gee... thanks for setting me up with the bipolar king.”
“Well, you don’t know ’til you try, right?” Maggie said jokingly. “Let’s not let him get us down. How about one more game for the road?”
“I don’t really feel like playing anymore,” Toni said. “I think I’ll call it a night. Gotta work tomorrow, ya know.”
“I hope you’re not mad at us,” Maggie said.
Toni slipped on her coat and raised her eyebrows. “Mad at you? Why the hell would I be mad at you?”
“’Cause of Sid and his little snit,” Maggie said.
“Oh, please,” Toni said. “I work with drunk people all the time. Don’t give it a second thought. I sure as hell am not going to.”
Chapter Two
Unexpected encounters may bring laughter.
“Pint of CC Red,” said a familiar voice. Toni tore her gaze away from the TV screen and saw Sid standing before her.
“Sure thing.” Toni pulled the spigot and let the beer spill into the glass.
“So, tell me, oh gypsy lady,” Sid joked. “What are the chances of an Aries and an Aquarius getting along?”
Toni put down a coaster and placed the pint on it. She looked into his weird glassy eyes and smiled.
“It could be good; it could suck. You know how humans can be,” she said flippantly.
Sid took a sip of beer and looked around to see if anyone was listening. No one seemed to be.
“No, really, Toni. Is it worth me asking you out again, or are we just going to crash and burn?”
Toni laughed. “You damn Aquarians and your impatience to let life unfold. Just relax, man. You know, here’s the thing. Aries are fire signs. We’re impatient, like you air signs are impatient. We like adventure, as do you. Both fire and air signs have masculine energy. That could be good or bad. We may have a lot of fiery wind, blowing hot air as it were,” she laughed, “or wind can extinguish the fire. Or we could just drive each other nuts.”
“And sex?” Sid asked, raising his eyebrow.
“You just want into my pants, don’t you?” Toni joked.
“Oh, don’t be coy with me,” Sid said. “Everyone wants sex. It’s just a matter of when and where.”
“I think you must be the bluntest person I’ve ever met,” Toni said. “And I meet a helluva lot in this place.”
“Just doing my job as an Aquarius. We’re blunt, you know. And direct.”
“Yep,” Toni said. A man at the end of the bar waved to her, and she went over to take his order. When she was finished, she returned to Sid.
“So,” Toni said.
“So, what?” he asked.
“So, anything else you want to know? About fire and air and the tornado that can blow?” She leaned over the bar at him.
“You mean our steamy energy if we hang out together?” he raised his eyebrow.
“Mmm,” Toni smiled.
“I do want to know, speaking of hot air, if you’d like to go see Tropic Thunder on Friday?” he asked.
“This Friday? Good Friday?” Toni stood up and thought about her weekend plans.
“Yeah, this Friday?”
“Well, I actually have no plans, seeing how I don’t celebrate those Jesus days and all.”
“Me neither. After Cindy died, I realized I don’t have much of an opinion anymore when it comes to God and Jesus and all that. They are there, somewhere, somehow, but I’m not sure where they fit into my own life.”
“I can understand how you’d lose faith. Two years is a long time, yet in some ways, it doesn’t seem long at all.”
“I’m ready to move on. I have been for a while. Now I just want someone to join me on life’s grand adventure.”
“Like in Tropic Thunder,” Toni said.
“Have you seen it?”
“Yeah, on DVD though. Not at the theater.”
“You’ll love it at the theater. The cinematography is amazing.”
“I’m looking forward to seeing Ben Stiller’s biceps on that movie theatre screen. They’ll be as big as my apartment,” Toni said.
“So you’ll go?”
“Damn right. It’s the funniest movie to come out of that cesspool Hollywood in years.”
“Good. Give me your number and I’ll call you on Friday before I pick you up.”
Toni wrote down her number and handed it over to him. She put her hands into her apron pocket and watched as he left the bar with a wave and a wink.
* * *
The next day, Toni worked her shift, hoping Sid would pop in unexpectedly, but he didn’t. And why would he? They had a date for Friday night, not Thursday night. She already had big plans for Thursday night. It was the night of the full moon and the circle at Lucy’s house.
Toni had time to relax in her claw-footed bathtub before going to the circle. She rarely took baths as she was always in a hurry to go somewhere, but today her feet were achy and she felt the need to pamper herself.
She lay back in the tub, candles flickering all around her, the soft scent of lavender filling the air. Her feet felt better already just from lying down. The warm water relaxed her, covering her body just enough to let her feel enveloped.
Her mind strayed over to Sid again. He seemed like a fun sort of guy, and she wondered what he was like in bed.
As she thought about him, she reached her hand between her legs and fiddled with her clit. How would his mouth taste? Did he have a big cock?
She closed her eyes, imagining his hands along her breasts, playing with her nipples. As she slid her fingers in-between her legs, she worked herself quickly as she didn’t have much time. Would Sid’s wiry, little body be enough to satisfy her? Usually she enjoyed big, strong, strapping men who could carry her across the room while their cocks were still in her. She couldn’t imagine Sid lifting her. But he did have a twinkle in his eye and that sense of joie de vivre and adventure she was lacking in her life.
She played with her breast with one hand, tweaking her nipple with her fingers. Her pussy was tingling from pleasure as her other hand stroked and fingered it. She lifted her legs and tilted her hips to give herself more access, easily pushing her fingers in deeper.
Would Sid be into games? she wondered. Would he freak out at a fetish night or shoot down the idea of a swinger’s’ club?
She was so used to men who were all talk and no action. Men who claimed they wanted to play bondage games but balked at the sight of ropes. Men who claimed to want to swing but the idea of another man in the room made them decline.
How she hoped Sid would be different She worked herself up to a frenzy, the water swishing around her as she imagined Sid fucking her ass while some other guy fucked her cunt and yet another person sucked on each nipple. How she craved the ultimate sensation, the ultimate power and orgasm.
She thought about hands brushing against her, breasts and cocks shoved into her mouth, one after the other as every hole was violated and penetrated until she was exhausted. She imagined herself tied to a rock in the ocean, tied to a tree in the forest, shackled on a sex bench in a club. Each vision took her closer and closer to the edge until at last she cried out, her body twitching and quivering beneath her own touch.
* * *
The full moon shone brightly down on the quiet streets of Hermana. The ocean breeze still had a sharp coldness to it, but spring was definitely on its way. Foggy patches obscured the road in sporadic places. Toni walked along, her boots clicking on the cobblestone streets of the old section of Hermana. The town had been around for a couple centuries, and every house she passed looked like something out o
f a Stephen King novel or a horror movie. Some of the houses were so haunted that people came from all over the world to spend the night in them. Other houses just looked creepy but the energy inside was stagnant or saged away by frightened owners.
There were many storefronts as well. Some of the stores and taverns had always been stores and taverns, while others were houses that had been divided up in to part business, part home. Hermana had a lot to offer visiting tourists: bookstores, Adele’s lingerie store, clothing stores, shoe stores, a hardware store, electronics stores, and many stores dealing with the occult. Like any town anywhere, there was a store for everything.
Toni continued on past the shops and walked along the boardwalk. Lucy’s house was on the other side of the long expanse of beach. The boardwalk continued a long way, and branched off in several spots. Lucy’s home could be accessed from the beach or from several streets.
Toni enjoyed the swell of the waves, even if the wind was chilly. She had moved to Hermana because of the ocean-view homes. She had always loved the ocean and couldn’t imagine living in a city where she couldn’t see it. At least, not for more than a few years now that she was an adult.
She had been lucky to find an apartment that didn’t cost her a fortune. Although she often wished for a bigger place and could afford one, she didn’t want to give up being so close to the beach. The sound of the waves crashing and undulating soothed her.
The boardwalk was frightening; there were still large icy patches with slicks of mud and clumps of sand. The boardwalk was still in “use at your own risk” stage from the harsh elements of winter and spring however there were many other people walking farther along it, past The Finger and to The Far Cove. Spring’s first previews were luring those with cabin fever from their homes. It was time to dust off the cobwebs and get back into the outdoors.
Toni arrived at Lucy’s house around the same time as many of the other women. She hugged her friends as they entered the massive gothic mansion.
“Happy Birthday, Toni,” Adele, an older woman, hugged her. Toni hugged her back.
“It’s your turn,” Madeline whispered. “Are you excited?”
“Sure,” Toni said cockily. “I’m always excited.”
The ladies laughed as Maggie and Ellie came through the door.
“What birthday wishes do you have?” Gwen asked her.
“What does every woman want? A hard cock and lots of money,” Toni said.
“Isn’t that the truth?” Lily cheered as she handed her coat to one of the lady servants.
The massive front door opened again with a burst of cool night wind, and a tall, pale woman with long, black hair entered. Her striking poise silenced the room.
“Hi, Natasha,” Toni said. Natasha hugged her, and the other women hurried to greet her.
“Hello, darling,” Natasha said. “A gorgeous night out. It will be magnificent when we can begin to hold circle in the woods again.”
“I can hardly wait,” Toni said. “I love the woods.”
“It’s true. We often run into each other on our nightly strolls. It’s so peaceful,” Natasha said as she held Toni’s hands. “The birthday girl must make a wish tonight. Make it from the depths of your heart and it will come true,” she said sternly.
A rush of cool energy surged up Toni’s arms and dissipated. “I will,” Toni said. “You can count on that.”
As Toni turned to wink at her friends, Ursula arrived, followed by Dorothy and then Veronica and Jessica. As they handed over their coats to the servants, Lucy appeared on the staircase above them. They turned to her in reverence. The tiny, frail woman with wild, long, white hair almost seemed overburdened by the large, heavy jewels hanging from thick, golden necklaces that adorned her chest. She wore a black robe with red, silk-lined sleeves. As she raised her arms, the vibrant color slashed the dimness of the foyer.
“Greetings, ladies, on such a joyous night,” Lucy said. The women cheered and called out her name.
“We are celebrating Toni’s birthday tonight in our New Year Love Spell tradition. She turned 25 on April 3.” Lucy found Toni in the crowd and smiled at her, then raised her hand in a blessing.
“Happy Birthday,” Madeline called out. A few cries of “Happy Birthday” filled the air.
“Such a lovely young thing,” Lucy sighed. “You have so much spunk.”
“I like to live life, even if it sucks sometimes,” Toni said.
Lucy laughed. “That’s the best way to be. Just go for the ride. I mean that for all of you,” she said, staring around the crowd with a half smile on her lips. “Toni, may I see you for a while? Ladies, you may prepare for circle.”
Lucy stepped down toward Toni, who took her hand and helped her the rest of the way. Lucy led her down a corridor. They passed several large wooden doors until Lucy stopped in front of one. She pulled out her keys and opened it.
“Come in,” Lucy said, and they entered her’ office. Toni looked around. She’d been in it a few times, but she never tired of the large bookcases crammed full of old, leather-bound books or the odd array of paraphernalia lining shelves along the walls. Lucy pointed to one of the overstuffed chairs on the circular rug in the middle of the room.
“Have a seat,” she said. She lowered herself carefully into the chair across from Toni. “You know, no matter how you take care of yourself, something or another will always get you in the end. You can never second-guess an outcome.”
“I know,” Toni said. “I’ve learned that the hard way a few times.”
“And you’re apt to learn it a few more times. It’s karmic. It’s Aries. You’ll just butt and butt until you make something happen. And then, you’ll wish you hadn’t.”
Toni looked at her. “Are you trying to warn me about something?”
“I don’t know. These days, I can never be sure what is premonition and what is pure old common sense. You’re an Aries, a ram. It’s bound to happen.” Lucy tossed up her hands.
“So you’re just saying an astrology thing, not giving me a warning about something or someone?” Toni said.
“I think. I don’t know. I get so confused about so many things these days. I start off saying one thing and next thing I know, I’m babbling on about another.” Lucy shrugged. “Getting old has its flaws.”
“Why don’t you do youth spells, like Natasha must do? Surely she’s older than you are.”
Lucy shook her head. “No, I can’t bow down to that kind of vanity. The price is too high. It’s not worth it to me.”
“Why not?” Toni asked.
“There are many spells for youth and beauty. Some are dangerous. Some involve murder. I can’t do them. I wouldn’t’ have the strength even if I wanted to.”
“But wouldn’t a spell make you strong again too?” Toni asked.
“Yes, it would. But I won’t do it,” Lucy shook her head. “Enough of that. It’s your birthday circle today, my dear.”
“I’m excited, I’ll tell you that,” Toni said, rubbing her hands on her jeans. “I can hardly wait to see what happens.”
“Are you ready to let love into your life?” Lucy asked, raising an eyebrow.
Toni looked away and blushed. “I always let love into my life,” she quipped.
“I don’t mean sex, I mean love. A man to love you for you,” Lucy said sternly.
“I have to admit I’m lonely. A steady guy would be a nice change. I do miss the comfort of it,” Toni said softly.
“So you will open your heart and mind to a man?” Lucy asked. “One man?”
“I think I would like a man, yes. Big, strong arms and a bit of a beard to rub against my cheek.”
“Open heart, open mind,” Lucy said. “No preconceptions.”
“Okay,” Toni sighed. “Open heart, open mind.”
“Are you sure you’re ready?” Lucy asked.
“Yes, I’m ready,” Toni said. “Let’s do this.”
They returned down the hall and went into the ceremonial room, and Lu
cy left Toni to take her place in front of the huge mahogany throne that sat at the far end. There was a large carpet in the middle of the floor where the ladies were assembling along the well-worn circle in the center. Along the huge, ornate walls were several long wooden tables with various tools, bottles of herbs, and sticks of incense neatly spread along them. Affixed to the walls were gargoyles and hands holding candelabras that alternated between battery-operated candles and real ones with flames that flickered inside glass orbs.
Toni went over to one of the servant girls and removed her own clothes, then handed her garments to the servant girl. She donned a black cloak, and as she took her place in the circle, she pulled the hood over her head.
Lucy started the proceedings by walking over to one of the long tables and retrieving a bowl of salt. She slowly sprinkled it in front of the girls in a large circle. The women watched, waiting as the frail old lady slowly shuffled around the room.
When the salt circle was complete, two of the lady servants brought her a bowl of sand and a stick of sage. As the stick was lit, a thick, gray plume smoked from it. The smell of the burning sage and other herbs mingled with the incense.
Toni wiggled her nose as all the smells grew stronger. She noticed Madeline and Natasha sneezing from the smoke, and she didn’t feel as bad. Instead of worrying about coughing, she watched Lucy walking around behind them to seal in the circle. When she was finished, she doused the smoking stick in the sand. One of the lady servants handed Lucy a small vial, and she poured a drop of the liquid inside on her finger and rubbed it on her third eye and behind her ears. She passed the vial to Natasha, and around the circle it went. The smell of the lemon oil added to the scents in the air. Toni welcomed the burst of citrus cleaning out her nose and enjoyed the sensation of her chakras opening.
“Open heart, open mind,” she repeated to herself as Lucy welcomed the ladies to the April Full Moon circle.
“Tomorrow is the Christians’ Good Friday, and on Sunday, it’s Easter. Tonight is Jewish Passover, and we should take a moment to reflect on the idea of consequences.”